• every single thought you have or ever had ,have a certain meaning
    only you or people who have the same comic sense(hehe) as you can get
    it; you can compare praying to drinking vodka; you love something for
    the sake of it,you love what that symbolizes in you... each one of us
    has his own craziness; we're all different;some of us are just weird;

    how would you know that  you have "canceric weirdness"? well...there
    are no simpler question (simpler; is that even a word?);you see ,
    your inner mind plays a great role in your personality ; the random
    ideas that you have; the illogic ; creative ones are ;in a way,or
    another; a part of your inner mind;in conclusion, being who you are
    means that you are different, but being weird,you have to work for it

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