• why does drinking alcohol makes you thirsty?

    yowane haku

    feeling thirsty after few couple of shots is something people usually
    suffer from and it becomes really annoying when you wake up in the
    morning being unable to talk out of thirst,even if you try to drink alot of
    water before drinking

    but Why do we feel so thirsty after consuming too much alcohol?
    and is there anything we can do to avoid being in this situation every single

    in order to know the answer of that question ;we need to learn how
    kidneys work,

    How do the kidneys work?
    The kidney is not one large filter. Each kidney is made up of about a
    million filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron filters a small amount
    of blood. The nephron includes a filter, called the glomerulus, and a tubule.
    The nephrons work through a two-step process. The glomerulus lets fluid
    and waste products pass through it; however, it prevents blood cells and
    large molecules, mostly proteins, from passing. The filtered fluid then
    passes through the tubule, which sends needed minerals back to the
    bloodstream and removes wastes. The final product becomes urine.


    back to the point

    When you drink a relatively diluted form of alcohol(such as beer) you
    consume a significant amount of water; while simultaneously ;reducing
    your kidneys' ability to efficiently get rid of that water,(according to the
    University of Montana). in other words,your kidneys will absorb the water
    back to the blood, which conserves your 70% quantity of water in your

    When you drink more concentrated hard alcohol, you increase your
    kidneys' ability to eliminate water.


    . Alcohol makes the kidneys stop absorbing water When the kidneys do not
    reabsorb as much water as needed; consequently, the kidneys produce
    more urine. When you dispose of that urine your body feels as if it were
    dehydrated, because of the sudden loss of water in all of your urine.
    Which is why you pee a lot after consuming excessive amounts of alcohol,
    and because of that u feel thirsty.

    solution: drink water in between shots & pee.

    sources :
    yahoo answers :

    live strong :

    niddk :

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